Back to School Anxiety


As seasons change and the responsibilities and duties of the coming school year approach, it can be overwhelming to think of what lies ahead. Many people struggle with anxiety surrounding the re-immersion into the school year. This is called anticipatory anxiety.¹ Anticipatory anxiety is excessive worry about a future event.² It can happen to people in many different scenarios when facing something big or new in their life.


With all of the unknown and responsibilities looming ahead, there are still some ways that you can conquer the waves of worry that try to overcome you. First, it is helpful to take care of your basic needs such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy balanced diet, decreasing caffeine and sugar and exercising regularly. Journaling can also be useful to process the thoughts that may be causing some of the anxiety. You can try talking to someone about the anxious thoughts as well to help address them with realistic solutions and take charge of the situation through preparation and information gathering. ²


An acronym that psychologists have come up with to help manage and cope with anticipatory anxiety is to remember to DANCE: ¹


Discern your anticipatory anxiety – This means you need to learn to be aware of when you are feeling anxious or worried over something that is upcoming. Label it for what it is so you can make a strategy to manage it.


Accept doubts and discomforts – Allow yourself to be ok with some of your thoughts without holding onto them as an absolute truth. You are allowed to have these thoughts and feelings, and they may be valid. However, it is important to remember that, although feelings are real, they are not always factual. ¹


No struggling or avoiding – No matter what doubts or discomforts you may have, valid or not, it is important to face your fears. Without the courage to move forward you will never be able to know how those doubts or discomforts may have plaid out!


Commit to proceed –This is a promise to yourself to see something through and overcome the very thing you thought would be so difficult. When you commit yourself to the task or event ahead of you, you give yourself the mental strength to persevere through difficulty.


Embrace the present as it is – In the waiting and anticipation, it is important to remember the present and enjoy the moment rather than always living in the future. Take some time to make a list of things you are grateful for today. And focus on what you can do today to prepare for what comes next.


Just like school can seem like a big, ominous hurdle to overcome, the same feelings can arise with an unexpected pregnancy. The worries and anxieties of what “could be” and the anticipation of waiting to see how things unfold can seem daunting. You do not have to face this alone. At Mea Centre, we provide free pregnancy tests, and support to help you process through your anxiety or overwhelming emotions so that you can make a plan to proceed however you decide to overcome this big life event. We also provide prenatal classes that can help you get the information you need to take charge of this big life change. At Mea Centre, we can help you by giving you the information you need to make a plan as we DANCE with you through the process of facing an unexpected pregnancy. To book an appointment with one of our support people click HERE. Or, sign up for our free prenatal classes HERE.


Don’t let the anxiety of potential future events keep you from feeling confident in your ability to succeed in overcoming life’s hurdles. We are here to help!


By Carling, Prenatal Educator



1. Winston, Sally M. OVERCOMING ANTICIPATORY ANXIETY: A Cbt Guide for Moving Past Chronic Indecisiveness, Avoidance,... And Catastrophic Thinking. S.L., New Harbinger Pub, 2022.

2. “Anticipatory Anxiety: Definition, Symptoms, Coping, and More.”, 9 February 2023,