What to Expect at your Appointment with Mea Centre

What to Expect at Mea


When going to a new place it is normal to have questions. You want to know what to expect so that you are not thrown off by something. We want to help answer some of the common questions so that you know what to expect when you come for an appointment.


When you arrive

You will be warmly greeted by our staff. One of our staff will give you our intake form to fill out. Our intake form just asks for general information which helps us get to know you better. You are free to leave blank any questions you do not feel comfortable answering because we respect your privacy.

As you wait in our reception area, you are welcome to help yourself to a hot beverage or browse our brochure rack of community resources.

When you are finished your intake form, your support worker will meet you and take you into the support room.


In the support room

This is where we get to sit down and talk about what brought you in for your visit. This is a safe place where you can share as much or as little as you want. Our support workers are compassionate, caring, and understanding. We don’t judge anyone’s decisions, we are here to listen to you, and to offer you information and ongoing support.

We use a permission-based model for sharing information, so you might hear your support worker say, “Would you like to know more about the abortion procedure?” or “Would you like to hear about your options?” We do this because we respect you and want you to feel comfortable. It is okay to say no, and it is okay to tell your support worker to stop sharing information if you feel it is too much.

At the end of your appointment, your support worker will give you some resources depending on your needs, a follow-up appointment may be booked, and you may be asked to fill out an exit survey. Our confidential exit survey is an opportunity for you to let us know how we did during your visit. Your comments help us to improve so we can achieve our goal of providing excellent service.


Our Values

Mea Centre is built on four values: SUPPORT, EDUCATION, RESPECT, and HOPE.

SUPPORT – We offer you support through a listening ear, programs and classes, and material assistance.

EDUCATION – We give you the information you need to make an informed decision. We also give education on prenatal, parenting and sexual health through our different programs.

RESPECT – We respect you. We respect your beliefs, your autonomy, and your privacy.

HOPE – No matter what you are facing we want to give you hope for brighter days ahead. You can have hope knowing there are people who are there for you no matter what.


Frequently asked questions

Do I need to bring my health card or other ID?

No. We do not require any ID or proof of income to access services. Our services are available to anyone who identifies as needing them.


Do I need to show proof of vaccination to receive services?

No. We do not require you to show proof of any vaccinations.


Is this where I go to have an abortion?

No. We are not a medical facility and therefore do not perform abortions at our centre. We give you pre-abortion information, so you know about the options and the possible risks and side effects, so you can make an informed decision. We also offer post-abortion support for anyone who would like to talk about their abortion experience in a safe and confidential environment.


Will you tell my parents about my visit?

No. We will not tell your parents that you came to us or the outcome of your visit unless you want us to. Maintaining confidentiality is very important to us.


Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?

Yes. You are welcome to bring a support person, it could be your partner, a friend, a family member, or a case worker from another agency.


What’s Next?

The next steps are up to you. We are here for you before, during and after an unexpected pregnancy experience and will support you in your decisions.

If you would like to make an appointment to come in please CONTACT US, our support workers will be happy to meet with you.


By: Elizabeth, Executive Director