abortion pill

What to Know When Considering Abortion

Considering Abortion


“This can’t be happening!”

Yes, I have been there. The thoughts of “This is not how it’s supposed to be. This is not how I thought our relationship would turn out. This is not what I want for my life. This is the end of everything I’ve ever known.” The crying, the panicking, the bargaining…yes, I have been there.

You just got news you did not expect and now you are feeling devastated, shocked, and scared.

The Question of Pills

Feminine Pills

When it comes to pregnancy people have two thoughts, “How do I get pregnant?” and “How do I NOT get pregnant?” Your thoughts can change as your circumstances change. For those who do not want to get pregnant, preventative measures come into play but those don’t always work*.

With half of all pregnancies being unplanned* what is a girl to do?

Many women look to pills to help avoid an unexpected pregnancy but what are the differences between all the pills out there and how do you know which one would be best for you?